Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Woolly Wednesday: Post TdF

You'd think I would have had enough of doing this during this year's Tour but when I thought about doing it with my never ending bag of Cormo locks, I had to keep going.

Since Easter I had been spinning the technicolor Cormo one boring lock at a time and they were in serious danger of being put into hibernation forever.

I had seen a video on using Fancy Kitty's blending palette and decided to give the idea a try on my smaller but just as effective hand cards.

After trimming the ends of the locks and then flicking them open on the carder, I used a paint brush to make sure the ends are overlapped and the colors blended a bit.

 I am using a diz and a small crochet hook to pull it off into a ribbon for spinning.

Four finger sized locks made all this fluff to spin. I could do this all day.

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